Listen to the songs from you adolescence. Especially the favourite ones! ;)
It is scientifically proven that music we liked as teenagers stays with us forever. That is we value it so much that it makes us a little happier when we listen to it again and again. It brings back our memories which are often bright and problem-free.
Write us which songs you would choose (if you like you can explain your choice) and whether it made you feel better.

Dance like nobody's watching!
Here you can make sure that dancing is just what you need to become happier! Choose a crazy song and make a crazy dance))) It doesn't matter whether you like the way it looks or not. Who cares?! You must reveal your wild nature and that's all!

Chat with positive people who make you happy. Even those you haven't seen for ages!
Apart from trying to become happier by yourselves you can also draw others who can and will make you feel better and thus happier: your family members, friends, even strangers.
Call them, meet them in person or do both))

Go for a drive / a walk without any particular purpose or destination
If you're sure that you don't / won't find happiness where you are now, just wander! On foot, using wheels, transport...whatever! You will either find what you're looking for elsewhere or understand that happiness is in smaller things near you.
If we didn't manage to convince you, have a look at this example.

No complaining! All day! Can you?)))
Some people are just fond of complaining. They say it helps them to decrease the tension they feel during the day. 'My hair is awful! I don't know what to do with it. I'm a wreck! Nothing helps. I'm hopeless...' etc. Did you recognize yourselves? If so, today's day will be challenging...but useful! Some good tips can be found here.

Visit a lake, river, waterfall or any other body of water
Water is essential for our bodies, but not only that! The research shows that mental health is influenced by this magical liquid as well. Both health and physical condition... hmmm... Why not try it out?

Write a list of things you're good at
'Not another list!' you would say. Don't worry! This list is not a to-do list. All the points mentioned there are for your self esteem. When you see how many things can be done by your hands and brains, you realize that you are worth something. It definitely makes you feel better. Plus! You'll understand your strong suits and will probably think about some start-up)) Example.

Spend 30-45 minutes on your hobbies
We are often asked about our hobbies. If you're irritated every time you hear this question, you should think about activities which you'd enjoy. Hobbies will not only give you satisfaction and inner peace but also will make you healthier!

Exercise as much as you want
One more research shows that the way to happiness lies through physical activity. For those who are just too lazy to drag themselves to the gym or sports ground this article will be a nice shake! Stop complaining, turn on an energetic song and move! The more the better!

Watch the sunset
Watching the sunset is beneficial not only for your esthetic feelings but for your inner world too! So today don't waste the opportunity to treat yourself to something gorgeous and 'happiness causing'))))

Walk 10,000 steps
You’ve heard this magical number once, twice or many times. You can believe it or not but today’s task must be done;) Walking 10,000 steps (or more) has impact on your body, self-esteem, mood and even more. Take your friends, family or do it alone, with music or without it... It’s up to you to decide;)

Do something different
If you’re stuck in all that routine you’ll probably feel blue. Change the order of your daily routine, choose another way to come back home, spend this evening differently, eat sushi instead of rice with vegetables… Do something you don’t usually do! It can make you happier;)

Take a meaningful picture
Grab a camera, smartphone or any other device capable of taking photos. Find something in your camera lens that attracts your attention and click! The photo which can make you happier is ready))

Banal? Maybe, but still useful and pleasant))) Really pleasant))) Even if you are sad or angry, force yourself to smile. You’ll feel weird, awkward, silly but the research shows it boosts your mood. Why not try it?

Drink enough water
You’ve heard about that a hundred times but still don’t believe it? Well, the results of the research have proven that water influences your body and mood. If you forget to drink it, use some notes or special applications. If you don’t like simple water, start with smaller amount of it and when you get used to it, increase this amount.

Help those who need it
To be kind is not only beneficial for others but for yourself as well. The research shows that being willing to help others can make you realize you are happy. It may sound puzzling but still scientifically proven. Go on and try it!

Learn something new
'What? Not again!' you may think. Don't worry)) In contrast to school YOU choose what to learn. Maybe something from psychology or literature, learn how to skate or carve... So many things at your disposal!

Mind what you eat
Food and happiness? Yes, rather connected! Compare a greasy dish to some vegetable salad. Do you feel the difference? Some of you may say, 'Definitely! I like the first one'. But will it make you happier? Read the article to know some new facts about this 'food-happiness' connection.

Declutter your dwelling place
Those who've done it once, twice or many times know that it's a real satisfaction to get rid of stuff! Old shoes, torn socks, unnecessary spices, a weather-stained umbrella... Ah, so many things to throw away, donate or sell. Check this out;) Good luck in decluttering))

Sleep well
If you'd done the previous task meticulously, you'd better have a rest. This night you should follow all the recommendations as for sleeping well. An exhausted person just can't be happy.
Good night, sleep tight!))))

Think and speak positively
Being positive does not only look good in one's eyes. It attracts other positive people, so you become surrounded by the atmosphere of happiness and joy. Is that what you are looking for?)))

Spend some Me-time
We have already spoken about the connection between helping others and happiness. Now it's high time to think about yourself + happiness. Find some activities which you adore and act! Good mood is guaranteed))

For many of you it may seem boring and useless. If you have never tried it, do it! Just imagine all the positive emotions you'll feel, calmness and gratitude. You'll love it!

Set goals
Look ahead and plan your day, week, month…your life! Set goals to help yourself do small steps towards happiness. When you achieve a goal, you feel pride, satisfaction, confidence and happiness, of course)))

Experiment with your look
Aren’t we too old for this? No, definitely not! Some people like dying hair, others can change their hairstyle. You can go through your dresses, trousers, sweatshirts and cut them, fold them or just dye. It’s exciting and the result is unexpectedly great)))

Make some art
Not creative? No problems! Take some paint, a pencil or scissors and make anything you imagine! Choose the best colour, the best place, the best part of the day, the best thoughts and start))) The result can be awful or wonderful, however, the process is healing...

Spend time with animals
Those who have allergy for cats can choose any other kind of animal. The same with dogs or rabbits... Just watch them, pat them, be near them. This 'cooperation' can make you feel better. Even if you don't really like animals, you can still watch their calm behaviour and feel the same.

Choose a gadget-free part of the day
Evening is the best part of the day to live without gadgets. Take a book, talk to your beloved one, meditate or go for a walk. There are so many activities which don't involve any gadgets. Try it out and maybe you'll do it over and over again))

Treat yourself
Although the research shows that treating yourself is not as beneficial for your mood as treating others, you still feel some joy while having a bath or doing something for You. You may not treat yourself every single day but doing that from time to time can be efficient to relieve stressful situations.

Schedule fun into your life
It's difficult to do for there are various circumstances which don't allow you to have fun during the day, like your job / study, housework, daily routine etc. BUT! You SHOULD find a free hour to celebrate life, otherwise, you'll feel miserable.
Come on! You can do it! Be happy!!!